Some of the challenges faced by an expat include: being uprooted; living far away from family and friends; the importance of the role of the ‘trailing spouse’ to the expatriation’s success or failure; the need to maintain a social life while preserving a meaningful career – despite moving countries; not to mention the challenges of cultural identity and sense of belonging to a group.
I have seen first-hand how much a well-prepared relocation can make a huge difference to each family member, and in turn allows companies to bring out the best from their employees.
Coaching sessions can be conducted in either English or French, and can also take place via Skype.
Sophrology is an approach to mindfulness, using practical and mental exercise, to achieve harmony. Sessions take place either one-to-one or in a group, and can be held either at company, non-profit organization, or my own premises.

My coaching approach is based on active listening, development of self esteem, neuroscience, and positive psychology. You will identify your objective, while respecting your strengths, your skills and your values; this objective will help you to give meaning to your everyday life and will motivate you to move forward; ultimately you will learn to use your internal resources to live more fully in your present, and to prepare your future.
You alone are the expert on your own life; only you can know what you really need. As your Coach, I am here to help you clarify your thoughts, and assist you in removing any obstacles that prevent you moving forward.
You will be proud of your journey. You will take control of your life, and regain confidence in yourself.
Facing exclusively toward the future, I don’t seek to analyse your past nor to provide a particular therapy; I simply help you to ask yourself the right questions.
The coaching sessions take place either in person or via Skype.
To add insult to injury, we tend to ruminate and worry, and live solely within our minds by cutting off the messages sent to us by our bodies.
The challenge is to learn how to face up to these situations, and to diminish our weaknesses in order to eventually emerge, reinforced and re-unified with ourselves.
Just as a jeweler strings pearls onto a silk thread, I help you identify your common thread, the thread that enables you to link each one of your relocations, as well as your qualities, skills and values.
I assist you to re-string the necklace of your life, to make a unique piece that reflects your unique self.
Sophrology sessions take place either in a one-on-one or group context.
Sitting Meditation
I began meditating in 2000 in Nepal, and later I used a book to accompany my practice: The Calm Technique by Paul Wilson was my bible for many long years and I would like to use the author’s definition. For me, “meditation is close to the idea of Being. When you live in the present moment, when nothing distracts you, if you are neither attached to the past nor worried about the future, if your mind and your emotions serve you and no longer command you, then your conscious ‘is’, you ‘are’, you feel fully yourself. This state is Being.”
You can reach this state in your daily life through regular sitting meditation. While in Geneva, I particularly appreciated practicing group sitting meditation, and therefore the opportunity to feel the energy of that group. The group meditation sessions that I lead are a time of sharing – a value which I hold particularly dear.

Sophrology or Meditation
For corporate clients I offer weekly group sessions of sophrology or meditation at the company premises, either early morning, at lunch break, or at the end of the working day.
Individual Coaching Sessions
I also offer assistance to the families of your expat employees, to facilitate a faster settling-in period, and to give them the tools necessary for becoming active agents in the relocation, thus providing essential support to your employees. This family assistance service can form part of the relocation services provided by your company.
Non-profit organization

Meditation and sophrology
Private clients

Sophrology sessions
Sophrology is also an excellent tool for children and adolescents to help them overcome the difficulties they may encounter during, or as a result of, their relocation. It is possible to organize family practice sessions.
Private Coaching
Only 6 sessions make a real differencies.
In the blog