About Nathalie

My Journey

I have lived on five continents over the last 23 years and in more than 13 countries. Each time, just as I began to feel at home, we were off again to a new location. This incredible journey led me to ask myself many questions about the meaning of life. How do we remain ourselves when we lose our bearings? How do we cope with this feeling of being uprooted? How do we continue to live in harmony with our values?
Through a continual search for the answers outside of myself, I finally realized that everything I needed was there, deeply anchored inside of me. In the 1990s I left my advertising career for the NGO’s/humanitarian sector. I then decided to build on my professional experience together with what I’d learned about human nature and the psyche to become a coach. In 2012 I achieved certification in coaching at the University of New York, a course based on active listening, positive psychology and neuroscience.
In 2014, I began a training course in Sophrology, and two years later obtained my certificate from the Franco-Swiss Academy of Sophrology, and also became a certified TIPI practitioner. (TIPI is a technique for the sensory identification of unconscious fears, developed by Luc Nicon, a French behavioral researcher and writer.)
Having filled my toolkit with precious, useful tools to be shared with clients, I then launched my concept Connect Expat Coaching.
Connect Expat brings together these practical tools, my experience and know-how, to assist the expat and his or her family to reconnect with themselves and their environment.

The way I work

I accompany you as you work towards identifying the obstacles that prevent you from moving forward. I do this using a number of techniques, including: active listening; re-formulating what is being communicated to provide another perspective; and by providing a caring yet straight-talking environment.

Imagine that your problem is a swamp – an unpleasant place you must wade through to continue your journey. You feel uneasy and stressed here, trying desperately to avoid the swamp…you go around it, you even try to find another path, you lose time, and you even lose yourself.

I would like to accompany you during this seemingly perilous crossing. I will become the walking stick that you can lean on, and from which you can find comfort. Very quickly you will realize that this swamp isn’t so daunting after all. You will reconnect with your values, skills, and your inner strength. You will continue your journey alone but strengthened, proud of yourself for crossing over – out of the swamp, and into the light.

Places I have lived

Algeria - Tamanrasset

Croatia - Split

Serbia - Beograd

Azerbaijan - Baku

Uzbekistan - Tashkent

Nepal - Kathmandu

South Africa - Pretoria

Rwanda - Kigali

Myanmar - Yangon

Colombia - Bucaramanga

Israel - Tel Aviv

USA - New York

Switzerland - Geneva

China - Beijing

France - Biarritz, Lille et Paris

What inspires me

I would like to share with you some of the people who have inspired me, and continue to do so, through their writings.

Viktor E Frankl – Man’s Search for Meaning

Eckhart Tolle – The Power of Now

Swami Satyananda – Yoga Nidra

Robin Pascoe – Raising Global Nomads

Jo Parfitt – A Career in your Suitcase

David C Pollock and Ruth E Van Reken – Third Culture Kids

Rick Carson – Taming your Gremlin

David Rock – Quiet leadership; Personal Best

Thich Nhat Hanh – Peace is Every Step; The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Daniel Goleman – Emotional Intelligence

Martin Seligman – Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life

Paul Wilson -The Calm Technique

Gary Chapman – The Five Love Languages

Linda Gravett; Robin Throckmorton – Bridging the Generation Gap

Dr Thomas Gordon – Parent Effectiveness Training; Teaching Children Self Discipline

Don Miguel Ruiz – The four agreements (A Toltec Wisdom Book)

Paul Watzlawick – The Language of Change: Elements of Therapeutic Communication; The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious (The Pursuit of Unhappiness)

Arnaud Desjardins – Toward the Fullness of Life, and Les formules de Swami Prajnanpad

Paramahansa Yogananda – Autobiography of a Yogi

Jean Monbourquette – How to forgive: A Step by Step Guide – Hoe to Befriend Your Shadow – How to discover your personal Mission – Self-Esteem: from psychology to Spirituality – Moving from Grief to Growth

In the blog